How to get more people to consume your content

The great thing about content marketing is that you can use it to attract new customers and nurture relationships with your existing ones. If you want more people to consume your content, you need a strategy that will help drive traffic and create engagement. Here are some tips on how to do just that:

#1 Find out what your audience is talking about now.

How do you know what your audience is talking about?

It's simple. Just ask them! Many people will tell you that they love your content, but when it comes down to actually reading a post on your website or clicking on an article in their newsfeed, most of them won't do it. So Ask your audience what they want to see and what content they prefer. 

If you are starting out without having a (large) audience, try using Google Trend or Twitter's trending hashtags. This will help you understand what people are currently talking about online. 

You can also go on to TikTok and Instagram and check out creators your ideal audience would follow. Scroll through their comments to see any questions. This will give you an understanding of what your ideal audience is looking for, and you can utilize it in your content strategy. 

#2 Share your post on the right day and time.

Generally speaking, there is no right or wrong time to post. Googling the best posting times might sound like a great idea, but it does not mean it will work for you, especially if your audience is not located in the same area as you.

Instead of googling for the correct answer, use your own post insights as guidance. Track the engagement and make a connection to posting times. Do your reels perform better during lunchtime or evenings?

How to get more people to consume your content

#3 Align your content with current events.

Google trends and trending hashtags on Twitter will help you tremendously with current events. If there is an event worth talking about, you'll find it on Twitter.

Incorporating trending events into your content strategy can help to get people to consume your content as long as it aligns with your brand. 

People are likelier to read pieces that have something to do with their interests. If your audience is interested in politics, write about political topics that affect our daily lives; if they like sports, talk about sports news.

#4 Find the right hashtags.

Hashtags are a great way to engage your audience and make your content searchable. The best thing you can do is try out different hashtags and see what works for you! For example, let's say I want to talk about how much I love surfing on Saturday morning (and I really do!). 

In that case, I might use the hashtag #surfingisawesome or #surfing, but both hashtags are pretty generic and will most likely get lost in millions of other posts with the same tag.

If I use something more specific like #surfingvenicebeach or #Wavestormboard (my board is from that brand), it's going to be much easier for someone to find your post because the hashtags are very specific. 

Combine your activity (for example, hiking, surfing) or your profession (content creator, blogger, photographer) with either your location or the year.  

Using your location in your hashtags in combination with an activity will make your post more relevant. Users are more likely to search Instagram based on locations to find hip new cafes or things to do in a city they might want to visit. 

#5 Create engaging content.

Creating share-worthy posts is easier said than done. Besides posting high-quality content that's visually appealing, you also need to write captivating captions. 

People are more likely to read and engage with content that connects with them on an emotional level. If you have a hard time crafting captions that evokes an emotion, pretend you are writing to your best friend. This should ease the process of writing captions. 

Also, if you are showing brands or other people in your post, tag them when sharing it on social media. It will increase your chances of getting reposted. 

Repurpose your content

#6 Repurpose your content.

If you're looking to get more people to consume your content, repurpose your content. Create quotes from your videos, edit your long-form video into size bite pieces for social media and You can always read this post on how to repurpose content

#7 Interact with influencers who have the audience you want to reach.

This can be an easy way to get more people to consume your content, especially if you're a small brand. There are tons of influencers out there with big followings who might be willing to work with you in exchange for sponsorship deals or payment.

You can also look at what other brands are doing and see if there's a way that you can give them something they want (in exchange for a mention on their page). For example, this company was able to get hundreds of dollars worth of free advertising by giving away some products!

#8 Being strategic can help you get more people to consume your content.

You can be strategic in the way you ask for a share. For example, use language that is friendly and inviting, like "please," or "I would love it if you shared this." You could also just go straight for the jugular and say things like "share this with everyone."

If all else fails, try some basic copywriting techniques to grab their attention while they're scrolling through their feeds. A good headline will help them decide whether or not they want to click on your link or video.


There are a lot of things you can do to get more people to consume your content. But it takes time, patience, and a willingness to experiment with different strategies until you find the ones that work for your audience. Remember that it's not about being perfect but rather about trying something new and seeing what happens!


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